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  • Writer's pictureCynthia

Why didn't you get that job?

I was talking with a business owner here in Cyprus who is selling his business. I was surprised as his business is doing well. He caters to English Expats. His business was growing so well that he wanted to hire extra help, but after many interviews, he could not find anyone who had a decent level of English. He needed someone to answer phones, take appointments, converse with the clients.

I thought of those people who were interviewed. Many were probably qualified in every other area but did not have command of the English language. Many might have gone home thinking that they did well on the interview and were hoping to get a call from the business owner that never came. They must have been not only dissapointed but confused on why they didn't at least get a call-back for a final interview.

If English is not your first language, you may need some extra help to polish your skills. You may be able to express yourself well in English, but if you don't know the correct turn of phrases in a Business setting, you might go for a job and not get that call from the employer. Visit our courses section and see if there is a course that interests you.

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